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Golang 锁机制

·3 mins· ·
Owl Dawn
Owl Dawn
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可以看 sync/mutex.go 中的实现,有这样一段注释:

// Mutex can be in 2 modes of operations: normal and starvation. // In normal mode waiters are queued in FIFO order, but a woken up waiter // does not own the mutex and competes with new arriving goroutines over // the ownership. New arriving goroutines have an advantage – they are // already running on CPU and there can be lots of them, so a woken up // waiter has good chances of losing. In such case it is queued at front // of the wait queue. If a waiter fails to acquire the mutex for more than 1ms, // it switches mutex to the starvation mode. // // In starvation mode ownership of the mutex is directly handed off from // the unlocking goroutine to the waiter at the front of the queue. // New arriving goroutines don’t try to acquire the mutex even if it appears // to be unlocked, and don’t try to spin. Instead they queue themselves at // the tail of the wait queue. // // If a waiter receives ownership of the mutex and sees that either // (1) it is the last waiter in the queue, or (2) it waited for less than 1 ms, // it switches mutex back to normal operation mode. // // Normal mode has considerably better performance as a goroutine can acquire // a mutex several times in a row even if there are blocked waiters. // Starvation mode is important to prevent pathological cases of tail latency.

对于 golang 中互斥锁的实现,有两种模式:正常模式(normal)和饥饿模式(starvation)。

normal 模式

waiter 按照先进先出(FIFO)来排队,当锁释放唤醒队首的 waiter,它不会直接拥有互斥锁,而是和新的 goroutine 争夺互斥锁的所有权

一般情况下,新的 goroutine 大概率会争夺到互斥锁,因为它已经调度到 cpu 上运行了,而唤醒的 waiter 大概率会失败。在这种情况下,它被放在等待队列的前面重新等待。

当一个 waiter 超过 1ms 仍然没有获取到互斥锁的时候,就会切换到 starvation 模式

starvation 模式

在饥饿模式下,互斥锁的所有权直接从解锁的 goroutine 转交给处于等待队列队首的 waiter。新到来的 goroutine 不会尝试获取锁或者自旋,而是直接添加到等待队列的队尾

当达到以下两个条件是,重新切换回 normal 模式:

  • 队尾只有一个 waiter
  • waiter 等待的时间少于 1ms


normal 模式拥有更好的性能,因为一个 goroutine 可以连续获取多次互斥锁,但是可能会造成队尾的 waiter 长时间抢不到锁。

starvation 模式则可以避免队尾延迟问题。



Go 标准库的 sync/rwmutex.go 实现使用的写优先,即如果一个写操作在等待,那么不管后续有多少个新的读操作,都是写操作优先获取到写锁。但是对于已经获取到了写锁,之后又有新的读锁与写锁在等待的情况,写锁释放后优先唤醒这些已经等待读锁


  • 读写锁不可复制
  • 获取与释放需要成对出现,获取了读锁的协程不能再去获取写锁
  • 互斥锁不可重入,因此写锁的获取不可重入
  • 获取到读锁的协程,不要重入再去获取读锁
In the terminology of the Go memory model,
type RWMutex struct {
    // 用于竞争写锁
	w           Mutex  // held if there are pending writers
    // 写操作信号量,写操作在该信号量中排队等待、被唤醒
	writerSem   uint32 // semaphore for writers to wait for completing readers
    // 读操作信号量,读操作在该信号量中排队等待、被唤醒
	readerSem   uint32 // semaphore for readers to wait for completing writers
    // 记录当前读操作的数量
    // 不管读操作获取到读锁与否,只要调用了 RLock (),都会被计数。
    // 该值使用负数的方式来记录当前是否有写操作(写操作已经获取到了互斥锁 w,但是可能还在等读锁释放,也可能已经获取到了写锁)
	readerCount int32  // number of pending readers
    // 记录写操作请求时已经获取到读锁的读操作数量,即写操作要等待多少个读锁释放。
	readerWait  int32  // number of departing readers
// 支持读锁的最大个数
// 该值会在写操作获取写锁时被用来去减去 readerCount,使 readerCount 变成一个负数,用代表有写操作到来了,进而实现阻塞后续新的读操作获取到读锁
const rwmutexMaxReaders = 1 << 30


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